Dalība projektā “Labās prakses pārņemšanas apmācības eksportspējas veicināšanai”

IT Sapiens SIA ar LIAA (Latvijas Investīciju Attīstības Aģentūras) atbalstu piedalās projektā “Labās prakses pārņemšanas apmācības eksportspējas veicināšanai” ietvaros, kas tiek īstenots darbības programmas „Izaugsme un nodarbinātība” 1.2.2. specifiskā atbalsta mērķa “Veicināt inovāciju ieviešanu komersantos” pasākuma „Atbalsts IKT un netehnoloģiskām apmācībām, kā arī apmācībām, lai sekmētu investoru piesaisti” un 13.1.6. specifiskā atbalsta mērķa “Atveseļošanas pasākumi ekonomikas nozarē – nodarbināto apmācības (ERAF)” ietvaros.
Projektu līdzfinansē REACT-EU finansējums pandēmijas krīzes seku mazināšanai.

2022.g.12.septembrī noslēgts līgums nr. 5.3-8-L-2022/7 ar LIAA par projektu nr., projekta realizācijas laiks ir 2023.gada 30.septembris. Projekta mērķis ir apmācības: labā prakse pārdošanā un marketingā AAE un Lielbritānijas tirgos IT/BI jomā. Plānojam, ka iegūtās zināšanas IT Sapiens uzņēmumā veicinās pārdošanas apjomu izaugsmi eksporta tirgos.

We love Sapiens.BI. It is instrumental in helping our sales team increase their productivity by providing us custom, real-time key performance metrics and making these stats easily visible. Sapiens.BI provides excellent technical support and always go above and beyond to answer any questions we have.

The system has been ‘live’ for one month now and we are already benefitting from the features of Sapiens.BI both for day-to-day management information and, in particular, for the detailed statistical analysis of our services that is required by the organizations that provide financial support for the charity. Based on our experience of the product and your excellent customer service, we would have no hesitation in recommending Sapiens.BI to potential users.

Comprehensive tool that allows all types of advanced reports including audit tables, custom fields and combined reports. The developers offer fast and efficient support. Great tool!

Great support & implementation from the team. Graphs look beautiful!

Excellent work, communications and skills from developers; I appreciate all effort, commitment and work.

Your report generator ROCKS! Wish I had found it before investing in some other rubbish!

I'm extremely excited about Sapiens.BI. We've been using it for about a month and it's by far the best available reporting tool for SugarCRM. The tool is very robust and full of features. Also, the staff and support team are very helpful and are continuing to improve the tool.

We have bought the latest version of Sapiens.BI and it is a fantastic product for Vtiger CRM. By using this I have stopped our remote users having to send external paperwork. Would recommend Sapiens.BI to any users using Vtiger CRM.